Monthly Archives: November 2016


Well it’s been 12 months now since I have been on methotrexate, it’s not a nice medication but it does work. At first I was taking up to 8 tablets a day (mixed in with taking folic acid 6 days a week, the pill and B12 vitamin) with the horrible side effect of nausea – I will happily admit it is not a nice feeling 24/7 and taking an anti sickness tablets to counter act did not help in the as it’s side effect was being drowsy. I spent 8 months in this vicious circle with the medication.

It wasn’t until I went for my 6month check up at rhumatology that the injection was fully explained to me along with the side effects being less frequent that the tablet form. I was offered the self administered injection when I first started methotrexate but the thought of having to injection myself, feeling put my off going on it. But the 8 months of nausea helped me over come the thought.

I have been self injecting now since June and I have to say it was the best decision I made. Yes it is daunting the once a week injection but once said it’s done it’s over with in a matter on minutes. My husband has been taught how to use the epi  pen because when I am on a flare up, I am unable to grip the penguin to push down and inject the medication in to my thigh.


The methotrexate epi doesn’t the look the nicest thing but being pre filled, ready to go does make life easier. There is no fiddly messing around trying to fill a syringe. I am more aware now of when a flare up is occurring where as before I could never tell what with the tablet side effects, now I can know a few days prior to being in a full flare up as to when it is happening.