Monthly Archives: May 2022

Covid has struck

Well since the pandemic started back in 2020 keeping away from crowded areas and wearing a mask, managed to not catch Covid 19.

Unfortunately after 2yrs have come down with the virus this week (Monday symptons started).

Safe to say that being immunosupressed due to RA, Fibromyalgia and the medication have to take. It has not been a pleasant experience.

My body has literally gone in to a flare all over, coughing fits with phlem on the chest. Chest literally feels like something is sat on it, similar to when have a chest infection.

As living in Wales and being immunesupressed I do qualify for the Antiviral medication which is to help at the start of symptons and reduce having to be hospitalised. It takes up to 48hrs for the NAVS (National AntiViral Service) to be in contact with you. They ask a few questions about what medication you take and when take it. For me I take Imraldi injection every two weeks but due to having Covid I’m not able to take my injection until I’m negative so possibility may be able to take injection next Friday

Will keep posted on how get on with the anti viral medication

Well an interesting day..

Today started off as a usual work day with a occupational therapy appointment late afternoon.

Haven’t seen my therapist in a while and today was worth it. After being confirmed that have Osteoarthritis aswell as everything else. Being given a range of support for my hands is going to be a big help!!

Safe to say I now have a range of wrist supports to help with my day to day.