Monthly Archives: November 2019

Ups and Downs……….

Well since the medication change in July (Finally after 20 week wait), put on Leflunomide and Prednisone (which I know some people say it is like the Devil Medication) these together have been a life saver with battling this chronic illness.


Before these two medications together I could not remember at all when was the last time that I actually slept for 9 hours straight and felt refreshed. But as usual there has to be a down point and this has resulted in my white blood count to be too high which the Doctor believes is the cause of being in Prednisone. So currently on an 8 week process of being weaned off Prednisone, which I have to say since dose lowered last week I have noticed the increase in pain, discomfort, fatigue and lack of sleep!!!!

After being weaned off lets see what this pain, discomfort and fatigue is like as back with Rheumatology around January/February time for my 6 month check up. Am currently awaiting Pain Clinic appointment but that is “how long is a piece of string” dilemma as there is currently 9 month waiting list.