Monthly Archives: February 2017

Domino Effect

Well living a daily battle with a chronic illness has its up and down plus it also has a Domino effect of the rest of your body.

My psoriatic arthritis was the start of my illness which lead to years of suffering thinking it was my work environment that was causing my skin to be broken and sore constantly, along with my feet aching all the time due to my shift pattern. But once you hit braking point and come to the conclusion enough is enough you want that second opinion along with the feeling of someone telling you, you are not going mad there is an underlying problem causing all of this. It seems a weight has been lifted off your shoulders 😊

Today was the day I had to see a consultant regarding stomach issues I have noticed I have been having a while but they have gotten worse lately. Although it has made me feel the appointment was useless because we didn’t really get any answers from the doctor. It has made me feel that I am not going mad thinking there is not a problem it’s just all in my head. I actually might be suffering from another condition.

It does make you feel that you battle one issue and get it under control, then all of a sudden your thrown a curve ball which adds a whole new chapter for you to battle with.  That is one thing with a chronic illness it will always be a never ending story.

When ever I sit here and write one of my posts I am always searching the Internet for quotes that I know I can always relate to.

Daily struggles

The image below sums up how I feel when during a flare up and my little girl wants me to play with her, pick her up from cuddles and just generally spend time with her. When you have a chronic illness it is hard to ensure you are there for that little person who depends on no matter what time of the day.

I am blessed to have a husband who is so understanding with my psoriatic  arthritis. He does try to get our little girl to go to himy for cuddles etc but we all know deep down sometimes it is just a mothers love our child craves.

Living with a chronic illness

Well another night spent reading up on articles on the Internet.  Articles I do come across about living with a chronic illness, how others explain the daily living and feelings experienced do hit home and make me realise that it’s how I feel when on a roller coaster day. The article below I have just come across now and it hits the nail on the head in regards to how a person feels with Psoriatic Arthritis.

Your Life—Living With PsA