Monthly Archives: April 2021

Covid Vaccine

Well safe to say I am now fully vaccinated with Astrazenica Covid 19 vaccine.

Being in a high risk category has unfortunately had its ups and downs. Having to sheild from others, going weeks and months not properly seeing family members or friends.

Yes I know the vaccine doesn’t stop me getting Covid but it helps my already compromised immune system a chance to fight against it.

Possible flare….

Well think it’s safe to say a flare is starting! Whenever the skin starts to break out, especially on the fingers it seems to be the start of a flare.

To be fair it has been months since my skin has started to shred/split like this. Pain in the joints has started to kick in which is a nightmare especially with my day to day work.

As it has been 2 months now since started adalimumab, as my chronic illness affects my immune system, it could simply be the body going into overdrive and medication is starting to work.

A big decision and jump in life

Since being diagnosed with this chronic illness it had always been up in the air that I maybe able to in the future have more children. I currently have 1 daughter who was born 12 weeks premature nearly 7yrs ago.

Upon seeing a new consultant 2 years ago he actually put my life into more perspective. As I am a high risk with this illness and with what experienced with my daughter, he blatantly told me I am not able to have anymore children naturally as it would affect my body way too much.

So today I have taken the jump and contacted my local GP to arrange a consultation talk about being sterilised. This is something me and my husband have spoken about over the last few months as at present I do take quite a bit of medication. By having this procedure, would mean 1 less medication to take each day, 1 less thing being pumped into my body to alter everything.

Let’s see what 26th April brings….

Well…a flare starting!!

If like me you have good and bad days, you never know when a flare is going to creep up on you.

You can see from the photos above, my one finger has started to have its own flare. It has started having small little clear filled blisters which are extremely itchy. This is the little bumps you can see in the 2nd picture.

This is the flare I really hate because of how itchy the small blisters are. It gets so bad that as you can see my skin has started to break and bleed. This is something I have not experienced for some months.

I havent had my skin flare this bad since my first diagnosis which is nearly 6 yrs now (only remember as my daughter was nearly one when I went to see specialists).

One thing living with a chronic illness is you never forget how things feel, even if you know you haven’t experienced it all in a while.