Monthly Archives: June 2020

Unsettling Times

Well it has now been 11 weeks since the country went into lockdown and I have to admit it has not been an easy time for any of us!!!

Since lockdown started I have been lucky enough to get home delivery to save any of us going to the shops especially as the other half is working Monday to Friday, it would be unfair to ask him to spend time on his days off queuing and getting food for us for that week. So without a doubt it has been a blessing for this once a week delivery. I also cannot fault local businesses also who we are supporting. Have been able to place orders and get these delivered straight to the house keeping to social distancing.

Battling the changes of being on Furlough and not in work has been hard on my mental health which it would play a big part of everyone also. The hardest thing I have found and think it affects them more, is the drastic change it has on children. My daughter is 5yrs old (Reception) and to see how she is becoming shows she is missing School, Friends & Teacher.

Yes we are doing home schooling Monday to Friday for around 3 hours each morning (find this is easier and also acts as a bargaining tool – afternoon is free play then) She knows me as being “Mummy” not as her teacher. The first few weeks settling into it all where fine, but lately it is becoming noticeable that she knows I am not the teacher, I should not being doing this work with her and that it should be her teacher doing it. We do sit there after her getting upset and I do explain why Mummy is currently her teacher and that the work we do each morning has been set by her teacher and that her teacher monitors everything she does through the school learning app. For the age she is, she is fully clued on to what is going on in the world and knows it is not safe.

Back to me!!!

Since last post, I am still currently on no medication for my arthritis as I had an appointment the day that we got put into lockdown. So currently awaiting for another appointment to be given. I am just so grateful for the weather we have been having, as I know when the weather is as warm as it is, it does help not just my skin but also my joints. The pain is eased and I can get about more around the house. Before the lockdown I did attend Pain Management Clinic where I laid it all down how I am actually feeling with being in constant pain and how it is affecting me mentally, physically and emotionally.

Upon the hour session, it has been agreed for me to attend groups (when everything is back to a more normal) and start on Duloxetine which I am finding does block out the constant nerve pain. Back at the beginning of the year I suffered badly with Nerve Paralysis due to medication side effects and Fibromyalgia flaring up constantly. This all now feels under control with Duloxetine as it blocks the nerve signals to my brain constantly. May only getting issues now and again instead of constantly 24/7

Stay Safe everyone during these times x