Category Archives: December 2016

Festive holidays on a flare up

Well Christmas is literally just around the corner now 8 sleeps until Christmas day.

It is lovely now to enjoy the run up to Christmas with my little girl getting older. Seeing her little face light up when we were doing the Christmas tree the other night made me well up as her and my husband are the reason I take each day as it comes.

Even though each day I am battling my illness I still have ocd  when it comes to the organisation of christmas:- gifts bought and wrapped by 2nd week of December,  meat order with butcher done first week of the month then the decorations up during the 2nd week of December. Having the illness I have things have to be done when I am on a good day otherwise I am solely dependant on my husband to do it all plus look after our2 year old.

Yes having a flare up gets me down and yes my sleep is disrupted along with feeling like I dont have the energy to physically do anything but slouch on the sofa and vegitat all day long. But deep down I look at my little girl and it all makes my feeling crap day change. She needs me to be on top form no matter how I am feeling, at this moment in time she is too young to understand when mummy is not very good she is unable to play or do specific things with her. She doesn’t understand that simple things hurt mummy and the fact that if she wants to get up on the sofa she has to help her self and climb on by herself.

Deep down one day she will understand that mummy has an illness that will never go away but can be controlled by medication along with taking some days as rest days.


The image above is so true for anyone suffering like myself over this festive period xx



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That time of year again

Well its that time of year again – cold, winter months are upon us.

I have to say I do love the winter months when the days are dry and sunny compared to a miserable wet and windy day. Having a silent chronic illness like psoriatic arthritis, which I have, the cold winter makes daily tasks hard as the coldness effects my joints more.

Having psoriatic arthritis it does bring other complications as I now have an autoimmune system which means that my body is more prone to picking up any illness that occur during these cold months. Even though I’ve had the flu injection it still does not stop picking up a common cold.