Thinking ahead

Well if your illness is anything like mine where you never know when you are going to have a flare up which will result in you not being good for a few days, you have to think ahead with meal plans etc. I would say to anyone if you can batch cook, it makes life easier when you aren’t feeling great plus it keeps you organised with what food you have in your home.

Once a month my husband and me (when pay day has just been) do a big shop in our local Farm Foods, Aldi and even Costco once a month. We do little shops each week for fresh sandwich things etc. Once we have done our food shopping,to think ahead we batch cook a stock pile of meals for the entire month. We work out how many meals we need, this month we only needed to cook 20 meals as payday is 3 weeks away and for 1 week we are away for most of it visiting family.


Meals frozen:-

Sausage casserole,  sweet and sour chicken, chicken curry (various flavours), slow cooked beef stew, honey and mustard chicken, chicken in mushroom sauce, Meatballs in tomato sauce,  Bolognaise, individual lasagne, egg fried rice, keegan rice, beef in black beand sauce.

We do have things like battered fish and pizzas which are good for anow easy meal after a hectic day in work or as a treal night.

The picture above is all our meals cooked for the remainder of this month along with cooked rice. When I am on a bad day cooking doesn’t have to be hardwork, it’s simply take a container out in the morning so that it can defrost while we are in work. By the time we have picked up our daughter from her auntie, got home and got changed out of our uniforms, dinner can be done in less than 30 minutes. Plus by batch cooking we know exactly what has gone into that meal and know all of us are getting a good, wholesome meal.

I know it is time consuming as this takes us nearly all day to do a whole months coking but we know it is beneficial in the long run. We get more quality time as a family knowing dinners in the evenings are not a chore or a tough decisions on what to cook. Helps me when I am on a flare up knowing a meal can  be taken out the freezer, defrosted then cooked with no hassle.

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